

As you learn to knit and crochet, and improve your skills, we hope our club creates a fun, safe, relaxing environment where you can make new friends and pick up a new hobby. We have all the basic supplies you might need, just email the club account or come to our next meeting to get some for your next project. We do ask that dues are paid before we lend out needles, just as a security deposit and so we can maintain our supplies in case something were to happen to them.


New Stitch a Day (Knitting and Crocheting) On this YouTube channel, you will find how to cast on and bind off for knitters, and numerous types of stitches for both knitters and crocheters! If you are trying to read a pattern, it might be helpful to understand what you are looking at! Below are a few resources to get you started. Knitting Knitting abbreviations How to read a knitting chart Crocheting Crochet Cheat Sheet How to read a crochet pattern How to read a crochet pattern chart